MP3 download available here:
RDP runner up in best recording 2014
Ritchie Dave Porter & the Secret have been awarded runner up (out of 2,000 songs) in best recorded track of the year for ‘Morphine Blues’ by SRB radio!
“I’m very pleased that Morphine Blues and the excellent studio production of Michael Tingle is appreciated” – RDP
Thanks so much SRB radio, glad you appreciate the music. Wishing you and all blues fans a great bluesy new year!
And here’s the track in question:
I Ain’t Got no Money – LIVE
At the Tower of Song, Birmingham UK
Recorded by Mr.Secret
When the Sun don’t Shine
A new track from the forthcoming acoustic blues sessions out next year. ‘When the Sun don’t Shine’.
Recorded by Mr.Secret in Birmingham, UK.
No More Hell
Recorded using the mobile studio in the Licky Hills tracking the drums and guitar live for that authentic blues feel. No more Hell for Ritchie Dave Porter. Lord have mercy.
The Morphine Blues is here
Recorded while on morphine by Mr.Secret while Ritchie was on his hospital bed (literally).
One Drunken Night – acoustic version
An acoustic rendition of One Drunken Night:
Acoustic Sessions available as a free download
Good day blues fans. I’ve made my acoustic sessions available as a free download on soundcloud. Check them out:
Acoustic Blues at the Tower of Song
Ritchie playing an acoustic session at the Tower of Song in Birmingham, UK.
Thanks to John Blackburn for the video footage.
Ritchie playing acoustic blues
Feeling the vibes and laying down good old fashioned raw blues!
Ritchie 3 piece plays the blues
Live at the Tower of Song Birmingham 2014.
Thanks to John Blackburn for the video.
Mal on drums, Steve on bass Tony on harmonica.
Acoustic blues video at the Tower of Song
Ritchie playing acoustic versions of ‘ain’t giving up on love’ and ‘return to the saddle’ at Rea River Roots evening at The Tower of Song Birmingham.
Aint Giving up on Love
“Aint gonna give up on Love” is the new blues rock song recorded on the 28th December 2013.Ive been dying to record this one with Mike ever since Ive been performing it live on the electroacoustic at my local gig venues The Tower Of Song in Cotteridge and The Roadhouse in Stirchley.This number has acoustic guitar,les paul electric solo,bass guitar,drums and yours truly on vocals too.I love it…it rocks.Its a Ritchie Classic.” – Ritchie
“This song has come together really easily probably because Ritchie had chance to play it out a few times live. Some lovely moments in this track, my favourite being the end ad-libbed vocal section!” – Mr.Secret
Return to the Saddle
The Ritchie is back and is single and has just recorded a very cool new hard rock blues in the new flat in Kings Norton with Mr Secret.
“This was written on acoustic guitar and the acoustic blues riffs were recorded first before I put down the bass and electric guitar and finally double tracked the vocal.The Les Paul was utilised as usual for its big fat overdriven blues tone that has a rock bite to it.I hope everyone digs this tune…its got a swagger and a strut to it.It represents the new me.The Ritchie that rocks n rolls with a more bluesy vibe to it”.